Permissions (10)
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) allows an Organisation to control access to the appropriate information and objects within their system.
There are three types of End Users who can access your Organisation’s system:-
1. Public (Anonymous) - without logging into the system but will be one of your customers accessing Services as required, similar to a Guest account,
2. Registered (Registered users) - a customer with a Registered account and who log into the system as a known person and who’s activity you can view against this account,
3. Admin (Users) with a User account and who log into the system as part of your Organisation to administer the system and/or processes transactions, either staff or third party.
To apply the appropriate access, Access is applied and controlled through the objects Catalogues and Forms, Regions and Items, Task Types and Dynamic Tabs. Access applies to these objects applies to Users, Public and Registered levels.
Access can be applied to Service Requests, Tasks, Task Forms, Cases & Dynamic tabs for Public and Registered End Users. The end user can access to both Forms and Dynamic tabs using 3 methods of access, 1) a Short URL to a Form, 2) the Customer Portal and 3) the Mobile App.
For Admin End Users within your Organisation, access can be granted on a more granular basis through the appropriate allocation of ‘Access Roles', enabling the viewing and editing of data in the Admin Portal to the appropriate business teams. These end users can access Forms and Dynamic tabs plus other Administrative tools through the Admin Portal. These end users can also access features through the Mobile App which includes the Mobile and Waste Worker features.